Papilio cacicus (Lucas, 1852)

Rio Bravo, Colombia 1200 meters; 11/74  ssp. orientalis
Calima Valley, Colombia  male ssp cacica (?) Upper Huallaga River Valley, Peru ssp inca
Calima Valley, Colombia 1600m  Female - yellow form  June 28  1987
Calima Valley, Colombia 1600m  Female - red form "zaddachi"
Calima Valley, Colombia 1600m  Female - white form
Banos, Ecuador female black form  (Very rare)
Calima Valley, Colombia 1600m  Partial gynandromorph with white form of female

    High elevation Andean Valleys from Colombia to central Peru. Not generally common, but local. Females very rarely seen, and probably stay in dense forest or canopy. Its life history is still to my knowledge, unknown. Several ssp:
           inca - central Peru
           upanensis - eastern Ecuador.
           orientalis (= nesrinae) Western Colombian Andes
           cacicus - central and eastern Colombian Andes to W Venezuela.