Graphium codrus (Cramer, 1776)

Manus Is; 1/82  ssp. auratus Ceram island Indonesia ssp codrus
Ranonga Island, Solomons Oct 7 1970 ssp tenebrionis  leg.: R.H.Morgan Celebes, Indonesia  ssp. celebensis melanic abberation. Note the small size of the Celebes race

   Widespread in the Philippines, Indonesia and the Moluccas, New Guinea east to the Solomon Islands. Several races are rather common, while some are very rarely seen and poorly known.
At least 14 subspecies described including:

    melanthus - Philippines
    celebensis - Celebes Is
    taloranum - Talaud Is
    stiris - Sula Is
    giloensis - Halmahera, Bachan
    codrus - Buru, Ambon, Ceram
    medon - New Guinea, Biak, Aru
    toealensis - Kai
    auratus - Admiralty islands
    segonax - New Britain, New Ireland, New Hanover
    pisidice - Bougainville, Malaita
    tenebrionis - Rendova, New Georgia
    solon - Guadalcanal
    christobalus - San Cristobal