Graphium agamemnon (Linnaeus, 1758)

W Java Indonesia; 10/94 ssp agamemnon Halmahera Is Indonesia ssp guttatus
Port Blair Andaman Is November 1969 (?) ssp andamanum Celebes is July 1990 ssp comodos
Mt Mutis, E Timor Jan 1997 ssp exilis female

   Agamemnon has a very wide range throughout SE Asia east to the Solomon Islands, and is very common throughout. Numerous subspecies described; the most variation being seen in the eastern most part of the range. A few are listed below:

    agamemnon - Mainland China/ Thailand, Malaysia, India, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Bali, Palawan
    menides - Sri Lanka
    decoratum - Nicobar islands
    andamanum - Andaman Islands
    lasius - Simalue Is
    rufoplenus - Nias Is
    atropictus - Enganao Is
    baweanum - Bawean
    meton - Lesser Sunda Islands
    exilis - Wetar, Timor, Tanimbar region
    comodus - Celebes and surrounding smaller islands
    enoplos - Palau
    guttatus - Morotoi, Halmahera, Obi, Bachan
    plisthenes - Buru, Ambon, Ceram
    argynnus - Kai
    myneon - Queensland Australia
    obliteratus - Louisade archipelago
    ligatus - New Guinea and smaller islands
    neopommeranius - New Britain, New Ireland
    ugiensis - Ugi Island
    solomonus - Solomon island chain